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Meet the Team


I'm James

I am a General Practitioner working across East Sussex. My three young children keep me busy outside of work.


My personal mindfulness practice has been an invaluable resource for me over the years I spent studying Psychology (Bachelor's degree) and then training as a Doctor. In 2016 I published a review of digital mindfulness interventions.


I have found innumerable benefits from my fifteen years of mindfulness practice. Still, if I had to pick out three they would be:


Equanimity - being able to live with stresses as they arise without being overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings as much.


Compassion - recognising and responding to suffering in myself and others gives my life greater meaning and motivates me professionally and personally.


A deeper understanding of my own mind - it's thought processes and emotional patterns - I more often learn something helpful from my mistakes, rather than repeat them.


I want to support others in exploring and developing these practices so that they can benefit from them too.

James trained to teach Mindfulness with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre in Brighton

Picture of Charlotte who runs the courses


I'm Charlotte


I have just finished my doctorate at the University of Sussex. I am researching what factors can help us predict engagement with digital meditation tools, such as smartphone applications. In other words, I am looking at what things can help us to make meditation more of an ongoing habit (rather than something people only try once!). My research is being funded by the popular meditation app, “Headspace”.


Before this, I worked in NHS mental health services for six years.


My interest in meditation began in 2011 while completing my undergrad degree in psychology. After curiosity led me to a Buddhist meditation drop-in group.


Ever since childhood, I have been prone to anxiety, but after completing a meditation book with an accompanying CD, I began to feel the benefits after only a few weeks. Since this time, the volume on my anxiety has been significantly reduced to the point where it no longer overwhelms me. I have also developed greater self-awareness and compassion for myself and others. I continue to learn and grow from my practice.  I am a real advocate for mindfulness-based therapies.


As cliché as it sounds, I can honestly say that meditation changed my life.

Charlotte trained to teach Mindfulness with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre in Brighton


Hello there

I'm Gareth

It was my own suffering that brought me to meditation.


Those early and difficult days started a transformational journey which led to entirely new ways of relating to pain, new landscapes of joy and deeper, more meaningful experiences of beauty. It has not been easy, but I have been fortunate to have excellent teachers on this path and their help has been invaluable in opening to the possibilities of mediation and mindfulness.


Now with more than a decade of daily practice and significant time on silent retreat, I hope to share these practices in a way that benefits you.

Gareth trained to teach Mindfulness with the Breathworks London

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